1. What do you offer? Define the qualities of this.
We offer fun, educational tours of the center (which raise awareness about endangered animals and build conservation and environmental skills) and a home for multiple species of kangaroos and other animals (which helps preserve these endangered species).
2. What are the core values of what you offer? What are the core values of your company?
We believe in conservation and education.
3. What is your mission?
Our mission is to conserve various animals that are in peril in the wild (most importantly, kangaroos) and educate people about these animals and why their conservation is important for the future.
4. Any specializations within your company?
We have a special interest in kangaroos, for which we house 12 different species. Our kangaroo collection is the largest outside of Australia.
5. Target audience market?
Our target audience consists mainly of families with children.
6. Existing tagline or slogan? What message is it sending?
There is no existing tagline or slogan.
7. From the answers you’ve gathered so far. What is a personality/character that could represent you? (Celebrity, car, etc.)
Steve Irwin: Environmentalist/animal lover/playful/very enthusiastic/empathetic... Also, he's Australian.
8. How does this personality interact with your target audience? Which qualities get the attention of your audience?
Steve Irwin interacts with children and families by educating while creating a fun, playful atmosphere.
9. Review your answers, create a profile, and describe the personality with words as if you were writing a personal ad.
They need help: http://www.kangaroocenter.com/
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