Monday, June 28, 2010

Workin' Woman

So, I have a week of professional work at The Vampire Diaries under my belt, it's been a really great experience so far.

The first week was a lot of running errands, picking up supplies at Sam Flax and organizing things, because the Art Dept. room was a bit of a mess from last year. I'm doing some graphic work for the show also, which I'm really happy about. Today, I designed the chairback graphic for season 2 and last week, I threw together a poster for the Art Dept. door using an old Vampire movie poster I found:

The other day, I went out to a site (an old house in Covington, Ga) and helped the art director measure the rooms, doors, fireplaces, moldings, etc. so they can draft everything up and construct a replica of the house for the show. It's crazy to know that they're going to build an exact replica of the house interior in about 2 weeks time. It's really exciting being around people who have worked on so many shows and movies that I've seen.

Everything isn't as glamorous as it sounds, though, haha. I do take out the trash at the end of the day, but everybody has to start somewhere, right? And I think I'm proving my skills to everybody in the office.

This is pretty funny: The building where all of the production and offices are is the same building where the Mystic Falls High school set is. One minute, you're walking down a hallway of offices, and the next minute, you're walking down the hallway of a school. There's even a cafeteria and a trophy case. It's pretty bizarre.

Just thought I'd document my first week of being in "the real world" and I hope everybody is doing great!