Monday, June 28, 2010

Workin' Woman

So, I have a week of professional work at The Vampire Diaries under my belt, it's been a really great experience so far.

The first week was a lot of running errands, picking up supplies at Sam Flax and organizing things, because the Art Dept. room was a bit of a mess from last year. I'm doing some graphic work for the show also, which I'm really happy about. Today, I designed the chairback graphic for season 2 and last week, I threw together a poster for the Art Dept. door using an old Vampire movie poster I found:

The other day, I went out to a site (an old house in Covington, Ga) and helped the art director measure the rooms, doors, fireplaces, moldings, etc. so they can draft everything up and construct a replica of the house for the show. It's crazy to know that they're going to build an exact replica of the house interior in about 2 weeks time. It's really exciting being around people who have worked on so many shows and movies that I've seen.

Everything isn't as glamorous as it sounds, though, haha. I do take out the trash at the end of the day, but everybody has to start somewhere, right? And I think I'm proving my skills to everybody in the office.

This is pretty funny: The building where all of the production and offices are is the same building where the Mystic Falls High school set is. One minute, you're walking down a hallway of offices, and the next minute, you're walking down the hallway of a school. There's even a cafeteria and a trophy case. It's pretty bizarre.

Just thought I'd document my first week of being in "the real world" and I hope everybody is doing great!


  1. Good to hear you're working in the real world and making contacts Kari! :) I hope all continues to go well for you as you progress.

  2. Keep posting, I like hearing about this.

  3. Congrats on finding something you enjoy! That monster on that poster looks like something one of Mario's long lost cousins created. Ha! Nice work.

  4. Real life sounds like surreal life! Congrats and thanks for keeping us posted.
