I was thinking of design names for myself other than just "Kari Lennox Design," because I really want to have something more memorable than that. So, I was thinking about phrases and things people say when interacting with each other...but I want the name to have a southern, sweet quality, I think. Here's a few of the names:
'I Do Declare' Design
'Much Obliged' Design
'Cream and Sugar' Design or 'Cream + Sugar' Design
I really like Cream and Sugar Design... All I could find online with the name was a bakery:
http://creamandsugarbakery.com/For the leave behind, I could buy a bunch of those coffee mugs that look like disposable coffee cups and put my logo on it.

I don't know if this is going too far, but I was also thinking I could print my business cards on sugar packets.
So, yeah... That's what I'm thinkin'